Thursday, 27 March 2014

Inter school athletics

It was my time to shine. I started pumping my legs. Ready set bang! The crowd went wild chanting Harry Harry Harry!!! Some we're chanting 'let's go auroa let's go'. I sped off ahead but then Manaia oh man Manaia they sped up ahead as well. Neck and neck the crowd is roaring you can feel their eyes watching your every move like eagle's watching their prey with that glimpse of intrigue. It's show time I'll speed up right before the line I said to myself. The lines coming up fast oh no!!!!! Manaia must of had the same idea he definitely tried harder then me because he beat me by a cat's whisker and I got second. They gave me a blue stick and that's what happend in every race. I tried my hardest and it payed off because we won.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing Hazza. I can see an improvement in your language features, especially similes! That Eagle one looks really familiar. I also like some of your short sharp sentences because they increase the action in your story.
